So, I wanted to share my dream with my wife and take her there on our 10th Wedding Anniversary. (If you have a dream, it is good to share it, otherwise it feels selfish.)
Also, I promised the wife a cruise and I am only 9 years late, but better late than never I say! Of course, being late is never good. ;> However, with patience comes reward and so I am trying to make up for failed promises of years past. Hopefully my wife will see how much I am trying to do for her and how hard I am trying to make her happy.
I have talked so a number of people here and there about taking my wife to Hawaii. I get a lot of rave reviews for my choice of Hawaii and on top of that a cruise. Even the dental hygienist said it was a great choice and she had gone 6 years earlier. However, I did not choose the location to please others, rather I chose it so I could please my wife by taking her to someplace wonderful.

Better to have loved, then never loved at all they say. From what I hear, Hawaii is a primo spot for romance and love.
I love you DM.
PS..you've been tagged...time to update
hi, i'm susi q's friend that tagged her. just checking out your blog. we are going to hawaii in 2 weeks, actually jan19th and so excited for the first time to travel to an exotic place. have fun. see my blog at http://www.lettersfromlin.blogspot.com
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