My son picked out the car design he wanted and cut it out. He came up with a innovative way of making sure we got the design on the car. He suggested we attach it to the car. So he used some spray glue and put the cut out design on the car. Then he cut it out with a table reciprocating saw. I helped his hands guide the blade for safety.

The last activity of the day was to spray paint the car the base color, white.
There is still more work to do starting Monday to finish the car. It will be a lot of fun!
What a great entry! Pictures and all. Connor looks so happy to be doing this by himself (even tho he had your guiding hand on the saw, at least). How cool was that?!
Take these pix to the Derby and then add pix from the Derby.
Go Con! Go Con's Dad!
oh, and one more thing...I would like to see a close up of the finished car and Con's proud face next time!
no place to add a comment about your playlist. I listened to each song and now I have a headache. Is this some sort of trip? Just kidding! you know how old I am, so you know what music I'd listen to on my player IF I HAD ONE.
But good for you for having one.
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