Another fine day for a post! In fact, it was a fine day, weather wise of course. It was nice having the warm weather roll in after the long cold winter. I felt tempted to lose the jacket, but the weather is warming up, not the balmy 70+ degrees we all dream about.
Of course, like many others, my appointments in Outlook and on my PocketPC do not quite match the times they are supposed to occur. I am still trying to figure out what the DST fixes actually did for me.
D read a book today to the kids. They sure like stories. The kids really like it when I tell them the Prince John stories.

Prince John has the following friends: Thundar the horse, Kayu the giant bird, Whitestorm the wizard, and Slick the rogue. Prince John is a noble warrior who fights for all that is right. Thundar is is Prince John's trusty steed. Kayu likes to drop rocks on all the bad guys. Whitestorm the wizard uses magic to defeat his enemies and one of his favorite spells is to make his enemies dance! Slick sures likes to trick his enemies, set traps, and generally outwit his enemies, and likes to collect all sorts of jems. Of coures, Jed the friendly giantmonster is also a recent addition.